The Complete Portal for Organic Molecules and Reactions


View and interact with common organic molecules like acetic acid, citric acid, ethanol, acrylic acid, glucose, rubbing alcohol, and fatty acids.

Also view and interact with a molecule by entering its systematic IUPAC name.

Try it!
Click on one of the molecules to view its structure, or enter a molecule name into the box and click search!

acrylic acid
citric acid
ethanol (alcohol)
rubbing alcohol
table sugar
vegetable oil


Define a goal molecule(s) and starting molecule(s) and solve for a reaction pathway between the two optimizing for fewest number of steps, lowest cost, or least amount of time used. Control which resources to be used for pathway search.

Pathway searcher utilizes resources including:

  1. local database of known reactions
  2. external reaction databases such as Rhea Db
  3. list of chemical reactions defined by rules
to produce best fit series of reactions for specified pathway.

Try it!
Click on the Metabolic Pathways button then click on one of the common metabolic pathways, OR click on the Pathway Searcher button and select a starting molecule, goal molecule, and method of optimization then click search!



Review generated pathways and provide feedback.

Try it!
Create a pathway in the Innovate/Solve step above and click Review Pathway. You can then view the controls for approving or rejecting the pathway!


Identify new molecules of a similar class as known molecules to discover different therapeutic effects. A lot of drug discoveries throughout history were "accidental". For example, Minoxidil, trade name Rogaine™, was intended originally as a remedy for hypertension when it was noticed that it caused hair growth. Apply reactions to molecules to anticipate products.

Try it!
Select a common organic molecule as a starting molecule. Select a reaction to apply to the molecule. Click on the beaker to see the result of the reaction!